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MINAT’s Atanga Ni Paul pacifies the Tikars and Bamoun.

MINAT’s Atanga Ni Paul pacifies the Tikars and Bamoun.

MINAT’s Atanga Nji Paul reconciled the Tikars and Bamoun in a pacification meeting between the two traditional chiefs representing the areas. This was on the 28th of January 2025, in the presence of the governors of the Adamawa and West Regions. This following the instructions from the Head of State.

As a symbol of peace and living together, the two chiefs exchanged handshakes at the end of an in-camera reconciliation meeting. The two communities have in the past years recorded clashes over chieftain administration and intertribal wars.

Précédent Déclaration des chefs traditionnels et chefs religieux des régions de l’Adamaoua, de l’Extrême-Nord et du Nord et des grands Imams des mosquées centrales de Douala et Yaoundé.